Posts Tagged ‘stanley weissman’

South Florida Mediator on Youtube

Posted on: July 9th, 2012 by southfloridamediator

South Florida Mediator Stanley Weissman has just posted his first Youtube video! Take a look…


Looking for a fair and experienced mediator to help you resolve legal disputes without the delay and cost of a trial?

Certified Circuit Court Civil Mediator, Stanley Weissman is available to handle your mediation in Palm Beach and Broward Counties.

Mr. Weissman has more than 51 years of litigation experience and has taken part in mediations for both plaintiffs and defendants in legal matters involving personal injury, medical malpractice, commercial disputes, probate, and foreclosure.

If you’re looking for a mediator in South Florida who is both fair and experienced then give Stanley Weissman a call today at 561.994.4540.